How to Add Someone as a Partner to Your Facebook Ads Account

Written by: Chenell Basilio

When you start working with a marketing agency or someone who has a business manager account, you’re going to need to give them access to your facebook ads account. But it’s not just as simple as giving access to one person like your normally would with your ad account.

Here is how you can give a business access to your Facebook ads account so they can help you run ads.


1. Open your Facebook Ads Manager (

2. Click on “Business Settings” from the drop-down in the top left corner

facebook business settings

3. Navigate to the “Ad Accounts” tab on the left-hand side of your Business Manager.

4. Make sure the correct Ad Account is selected.

5. Click “Assign Partners” on the right side under the ad account name

6. Click on “Assign Partner by business ID”

7. Enter the partner number (15-16 digits) in the pop-up box and select “Manage campaigns.”


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